ISSN: 2222-6990
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The family Takaful sector has evolved into an important part of Malaysia's broader Shariah-compliant financial system. However, the market penetration for family Takaful lags behind that of the conventional life insurance, presenting significant business opportunities. This issue, as well as the question of what factors can encourage people to join the family Takaful, must be addressed and investigated. Hence, this paper aims to propose a conceptual framework to study the relationship between innovation attributes and loyalty in family Takaful from the perspective of customers in Malaysia. Trust was added in this research to function as the mediating variable. Apparently, the framework suggests that innovation attributes has positively affected the loyalty in family Takaful. Considering trust as a catalyst in the relationship, its mediating effect will be investigated. From the review of the literature, hypotheses were developed to suggest the relationship between the innovation attributes, trust, and loyalty by choosing the family Takaful customers in Malaysia as the research sample. The findings of this research are expected to provide new ideas for the representative such as Takaful operators and marketing managers from the Takaful industry to increase loyalty through an appealing package of innovation attributes in designing better family Takaful products and services.
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In-Text Citation: (Arifin et al., 2022)
To Cite this Article: Arifin, J., Ghazali, P. L., Bakar, N. A., Remli, N., & Noor, N. S. M. (2022). A Proposed Conceptual Framework for Innovation Attributes and Trust Towards Loyalty in Family Takaful. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 12(10), 2270 – 2283.
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