ISSN: 2222-6990
Open access
Among the roles of the project manager in a project execution is to control the occurrence of variation orders. This research aims to determine the project manager’s roles in reducing the occurrence of variation orders in a construction project. The research data were gathered via responses from project managers of construction companies via a questionnaire survey. The 122 responses obtained were then analysed using descriptive analysis. Out of the eight (8) project manager roles tested in the questionnaire survey, it was found that all of them are significant in helping to reduce the occurrence of variation orders in a construction project. The most significant role of the project manager in reducing the occurrence of variation orders in a construction project was effective communication between stakeholders. Good transparency in communication initiated by the project manager could avoid conflicts related to the contract documents. This research provides additional information and knowledge for researchers in further research as well as practitioners to constantly reduce the variation order on construction projects.
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In-Text Citation: (Ismail et al., 2023)
To Cite this Article: Ismail, N., Halim, M. H. A., Ismail, W. N. W., Isa, S. S. M., & Yusop, N. (2023). The Project Manager’s Roles in Reducing the Occurrence of Variation Order (VO) on Construction Project. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 13(4), 53 – 59.
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