ISSN: 2222-6990
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Main objective: The main issue of this study is the level of achievement in the verification of excellence rating in the District Education Office. Methods: This study was conducted with a quantitative mixed method and supported by a qualitative method that is ‘explanatory mixed method design’. A total of 278 respondents from the District Education Office in the state of Kelantan were selected by simple random sampling method to answer the questionnaire. Data were analysed by descriptive statistics and inferential statistics. Results: The results showed that the dimension of distributed leadership, namely the dimension of supervision, the dimension of collaboration and the dimension of empowerment are contributing factors to the excellence rating of the District Education Office in Kelantan, while the dimension of support is not a contributing factor. There is a significant relationship between distributed leadership and the excellence rating of the District Education Office. This study also found that there is a significant relationship between the Excellence Rating of the District Education Office with the dimensions of organizational empowerment-commitment. The findings of the study with quantitative methods also show that distributed leadership practices using Multiple Linear Regression is used to find which one of the distributed leadership factors: support dimension, supervisory dimension, collaboration dimension, empowerment dimension is a predictor or contributor to the District Education Office Excellence Rating in Kelantan. Conclusion: Therefore, distributed leadership practices need to be applied effectively to lead and achieve rating excellence in the organization of the District Education Office through the evaluation and verification of the District Education Office Excellence Rating.
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In-Text Citation: (Ismail & Amin, 2022)
To Cite this Article: Ismail, Z., & Amin, W. A. A. W. M. (2022). Factors Contributing to Distributed Leadership towards the Excellence Rating of District Education Offices in Kelantan. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 12(10), 2508 – 2519.
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