ISSN: 2222-6990
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Islam has set a marriage law comprehensively to ensure the survival of a family institution by verifying the rights and responsibilities of spouses. Islam also permits couples to append any conditions (syarat) in marriage contracts as long as within the Islamic law. However, Malaysia has practice conditions that approved merely on contracts of divorce which outlined in the Islamic Family Law. Accordingly, the objective of this study is to analyst the views of the majority of scholars (fuqaha), then to compare marriage contract of Malaysia practices and to evaluate its implications. This is a qualitative study, focusing on collection of data related to setting conditions in marriage by analyzing the views of the fuqaha, and analyzing the applications inductively in Islamic Family Law in Malaysia. The study finds that fuqaha collectively has consent to contracts should not conflict with Islamic law, indeed the Hanabilah is considerable to allow all conditions in marriage except that opposed to the Quran and Sunnah. The law in Malaysia practically do not implement all the views of the fuqaha in terms of conditions in marriage. Furthermore, the debate between views of fuqaha and the Islamic Family Law in Malaysia pertaining to conditions of marriage however address to the requirements on talak (divorce) of its impact to marriage. According to Malaysia Islamic Family Law, only the taklik read during the marriage ceremony is allowed without the addition of other taklik. If the taklik related to preventing this polygamy is mentioned by the husband after the marriage contract, then it will be considered as a normal divorce.The significant of this study is the Legislative Body had to re-enact the law by incorporating the provision that gave the couple the option to include any conditions does not conflict with Islamic law in order to secure the interests of their marriage.
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In-Text Citation: (Jamil et al., 2023)
To Cite this Article: Jamil, A. N., Sharifuddin, N. M., Aziz, N. H., & Jaapar, K. (2023). Engage to Polygamy As An Act of Taklik: Off Islamic Law and Islamic Family Law in Malaysia. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 13(1), 98 – 108.
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