ISSN: 2222-6990
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This study aimed to identify the impact of classroom design for students with severe autism spectrum disorder according to TEACCH System in the United Arab Emirates, on the ability of the teachers to deal with behavioral problems and the effect this design in decreasing or increasing negative behaviors from the point of view of teachers. In this study, a mixed-methodology approach of quantitative and qualitative methods is used to investigate the topic, and in order to achieve the objectives of the study, the researcher prepared two special tools that included: (I) TEACCH System's Effectiveness Questionnaire, (II) Identifying the Needed Modifications (Semi Structured- Interview).
The study sample consisted of 27 teachers of students with severe autism spectrum disorder; the data collection was done by distributing online questionnaires and sharing an electronic link to the interview in the presence of the researcher with the participants in the study to explain and answer any question.
The study's findings revealed a low evaluation for effectiveness of TEACCH System classroom design in the current situation in ability to deal with behavioral problems with an average of (1.85) out of (4.00). In addition to confirm the need for a method of building, designing, and preparing classroom contents other than the method currently used within TEACCH System.
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In-Text Citation: (Alsalahat & Ahmad, 2022)
To Cite this Article: Alsalahat, R. A., & Ahmad, A. C. (2022). The Impact of Classroom Design According TEACCH System in Dealing with Behavioral Problems of Severe Autism Spectrum Disorder’ Students. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 12(10), 3093 – 3107.
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