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International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences

Open Access Journal

ISSN: 2222-6990

Employing Modified Design and Development Research (DDR) Approach to Develop Creativity Clay Module to Teach Special Educational Needs (SEN) Students with Learning Disabilities

Parthiban Govindasamy, Noraini Abdullah, Rohaizat Ibrahim

Open access

Design and Development Research (DDR) is a systematic study of design, development, and assessment process for production of instructional and non-instructional tools. The purpose of this study is to discuss the Modified DDR approach to develop the Creativity Clay Module to teach Special Educational Needs (SEN) students with learning disabilities in primary schools. Studies indicate that SEN students with learning disabilities are weak when presenting creative skills in the classroom. Students are not sufficiently taught creativity skills in schools as teachers' creativity is low, and they possess suboptimal skills in adopting teaching strategies of a creative in nature. Therefore, there is a need to develop a specific teaching module to foster creativity skills among students. This study employs the Modified DDR approach. There are three phases in DDR namely; phase one: needs analysis; phase two: design and development; and phase three: evaluation. During phase one, a survey method will utilize using purposive sampling by adopting questionnaire instruments for 110 teachers to ascertain the necessity of module development. Subsequently, the Fuzzy Delphi Method (FDM) utilized to obtain 15 experts’ consensus to design and develop the module prototype. In phase three, the usability of module measured by conducting a survey study using a questionnaire instrument with 120 samples of special education teachers. Then, organize the findings systematically under the DDR phases and analyze the data using descriptive analysis in phases one and three. In what follows, the researcher derives the threshold, d value, and experts’ consensus value in designing, developing, and evaluating constructs and items of the phase two module. The conclusion of this article presents a conceptual framework for this research. Hence, the findings provide potential information and guidance to design and develop the Creativity Clay Module to teach SEN students with learning disabilities.

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In-Text Citation: (Govindasamy et al., 2023)
To Cite this Article: Govindasamy, P., Abdullah, N., & Ibrahim, R. (2023). Employing Modified Design and Development Research (DDR) Approach to Develop Creativity Clay Module to Teach Special Educational Needs (SEN) Students with Learning Disabilities. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 13(3), 461 – 476.