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International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences

Open Access Journal

ISSN: 2222-6990

Studies in Arabic Syntax

Mohd Hafizan Ab Halim, Kaseh Abu Bakar, Fazal Mohamed Mohamed Sultan

Open access

Syntax is the study of sentence structures. Many studies of Arabic sentences adopt traditional grammatical methods, and less so methods in modern linguistics. This study aims to (i) identify the themes of previous studies related to the analysis of Arabic sentence structures; (ii) detect gaps found in previous studies of Arabic sentence structures; and (iii) highlight issues that can be used as new studies in the future. This study reviews literature on Arabic sentence structures reported in theses, dissertations, journals, books and seminar proceedings. The major themes emerge from this review: (i) Dominant sentence pattern in Arabic structure; (ii) Syntactical elements (iii) The results of the study on sentence construction showed that the dominant form of Arabic sentences was studied by twelve researchers, sentence elements were studied by ten researchers, sentence pattern issues were studied by five researchers, while discussion on sentence construction changes was conducted by three researchers. This study found that the type of sentence that is important for the study is the fi’liyyah type sentence, based on this type of sentence is the dominant sentence and the Arabic language is dominated by the fi’liyyah sentence pattern. The focus of the type of fi’liyyah sentence is the passive sentence. It is found that there are many aspects of syntactic structure of passive sentences have not been explained, especially through the latest language theory.

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In-Text Citation: (Halim et al., 2023)
To Cite this Article: Halim, M. H. A., Bakar, K. A., & Sultan, F. M. M. (2023). Studies in Arabic Syntax. International Journal of Academic Research in Business & Social Sciences, 13(7), 1819 – 1830.