ISSN: 2222-6990
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This study aimed to investigate the effects of different training routine designs in enhancing the athlete's specific anaerobic ability based on the specific characteristics of football. The proposed training design serves to improve football athletes’ specific anaerobic ability. The study involved eighteen football players from the Xi'an Institute of Physical Education men's football team. This researcher collected the data via expert interviews, maximum heart rate experiment test and blood lactic acid test. The data was analysed statistically using t-test The anaerobic training method was measured using Polar Team 2 heart rate monitoring system and Lactate Pro. The training routine design involved 1) two types of specific anaerobic training routines with maximum speed and 2) anaerobic endurance training in four-goal small-sided games with two different interval ratios. The findings indicated that the two training routine designs exhibit a non-synchronization feature in terms of the variations in heart rate and exercise intensity in the training routine, with Type 1 lactic acid value approaching the normal endpoint and Type 2 slightly increasing. Meanwhile, the results showed that the heart rate and lactic acid levels in Type 1 are more significant than in Type 2 in four-goal small-sided games. This implied that the training routine designs of varied intensities and controlled variables can enhance the specific anaerobic ability of the football athletes. Through the different combinations and training schedules of aerobic training, anaerobic training, and muscle strength training in this research, relevant theories and design ideas are provided to support further studies. Future researchers can delve into how to monitor the changes in blood lactic acid values of athletes under different intensity training and explore more optimized training programs by changing different training content and requirements.
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In-Text Citation: (Wu & Karim, 2023)
To Cite this Article: Wu, Z., & Karim, Z. A. (2023). The Effects of Football Specific Anaerobic Training Design on Athletes’ Specific Anaerobic Ability. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 13(2), 450 – 464.
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