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International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences

Open Access Journal

ISSN: 2222-6990

Contextualization of Amthal Verses in Quranic Malay Translation

Muhammad Arif Musa, Adnan Mohamed Yusoff, Ahmad Sanusi Azmi, Siti Khadijah Ahmad Tajuddin

Open access

The Quran’s language is of great height and beauty, which is one of its many benefits. The manner of the Quranic language enthralled anyone who heard it among the Arabs. The employment of metaphors or amthal is one of the ways the Quran is conveyed. The Quran’s translation into other languages has become necessary in order to communicate the meaning of the Quran to individuals who do not speak Arabic. The Quran translation presents its own set of hurdles and difficulties (Al-Nadawi, 1417H). Amthal musarrahah must be read in light of the verse’s context, and this must be considered when translating the Quran. As a result, the goal of this research is to examine Malay scholars’ translations of the amthal verses and then offer translation recommendations based on the mufassirin’s interpretation. The study is a qualitative research that employs content analysis. In the translation of the Quran into Malay, the research made Tafsir Pimpinan al-Rahman, Terjemahan al-Quran Yayasan Restu, and Mahmud Yunus’ Tafsir al-Quran as references. Only a few Quranic metaphors were chosen as part of the research sample. The study discovered that all three Quranic translations chose to render metaphorical verses in literal form without providing a more in-depth explanation of the metaphorical verses’ context. As a result of, it is determined that there is a need to improve the translation of these metaphorical verses in order to transmit a more comprehensive understanding to the target audience.

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In-Text Citation: (Musa et al., 2023)
To Cite this Article: Musa, M. A., Yusoff, A. M., Azmi, A. S., & Tajuddin, S. K. A. (2023). Contextualization of Amthal Verses in Quranic Malay Translation. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 13(2), 1520 – 1534.