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International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences

Open Access Journal

ISSN: 2222-6990

The Impact of Antecedents of Corporate Social Responsibility on Corporate Social Responsibility Performance: A Perspective of Pakistan’s Banks

Anum Afzal Khan, Sazali Abd Wahab, Ahmad Shaharudin Abdul Latiff

Open access

Today's world presents both internal and external impediments to quick business growth. Internal obstacles include staff retention, profitability, and growth, whereas external challenges include fierce rivalry, preserving the organization's brand and status, minimizing environmental effect, and customization. This conceptual investigation embraces a newly emerged concern of Corporate Social Responsibility performance in banks, considering ranges of literature reviews, research approach used is deductive based on positivist philosophy. The type of investigation is survey based, using cross sectional method and unit of analyses are top management employees of banking sector in Pakistan. A systematic analysis of literature has been executed to analyze the Corporate Social Responsibility performance on banking sector triggered by recent business perspectives, in which over 400 publications are read and reviewed by the authors. It has also established the reliability and validity of literature analysis. Each of these corporate social responsibility antecedents work interdependently with each other to strengthen the corporate social responsibility performance objectives. The study contributes theoretically by extending the existing organizational theories of CSRP and leadership by integrating various constructs from both institutional and individual levels, which deliver a novel research framework. The study indicates Pakistan as a rising market, the study throws light on the elements influencing the CSRP, such as employee dimensions, organizational environment, and top management in the banking industry. The conceptual model will provide an acceptable CSRP framework and reliable measurement model, which can be helpful as a benchmark in assessing the extent of CSRP at the aggregate level and their sub-dimensions. The role of the corporate sector in alleviating the issues in Pakistan holds key importance and reason of recent surge in CSR activities in Pakistan.

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In-Text Citation: (Khan et al., 2023)
To Cite this Article: Khan, A. A., Wahab, S. A., & Latiff, A. S. A. (2023). The Impact of Antecedents of Corporate Social Responsibility on Corporate Social Responsibility Performance: A Perspective of Pakistan’s Banks. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 13(2), 756 – 780.