ISSN: 2222-6990
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The school, as it constitutes a living organism of social interactions can contribute to the political socialization of students, besides the roles of cognitive and social development it already performs. The aim of this research project is the creation of a successful democratic school community. Within the theoretical framework or action research at attempt is made to connect the theory of symbolic interactionism and Critical Pedagogy. An individual team participated in action-research which comprised of teachers-researchers, researcher-facilitator and social partners consisting of pupils and their parents of a second grade primary school in Chania. For the data collection, the method of triangulation was employed using participatory observation, qualitative informal semi-structured interview and sociometry. Results showed that gradually, following a constantly redesigned intervention program, the interpersonal relationships of students were improved, democracy and cohesion in classroom were increased, political skills of some socially excluded students were slightly improved and strong leadership tendencies shown by some others were reduced. At the same time, through the research it was found that students can separate social from political skills.
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In-Text Citation: (Theodoros & Eleni, 2023)
To Cite this Article: Theodoros, E., & Eleni, G. (2023). Students’ Democratic Political Socialization in the Classroom: An Action Research at a School in Chania. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 13(2), 1392 – 1410.
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