ISSN: 2222-6990
Open access
In the past decade, numerous studies on the effect of self-efficacy on stroke recovery, with an emphasis on physical functioning, have been done. Self-efficacy provides an individual with a sense of control over their surroundings because it measures an individual's capability to engage in healthy behaviours. Self-efficacy and locus of control are hence connected. This review aims to examine the association between self-efficacy and physical functioning after stroke. The method of narrative review was utilised in the analysis of the current paper. Computerized searches of databases such as Medline, Scopus, and ISI Web of Science revealed the relevant publications. These studies must be written in English and must include individuals with a diagnosis of stroke who are at least 19 years old and of either gender. The findings of this study indicate that self-efficacy contributes to the improvement of patients' physical functioning. Also discovered to be a mediator between activity and involvement is self-efficacy. Physical functioning is influenced by demographic and clinical characteristics such as age, gender, and the damaged lesion side of the brain, in addition to self-efficacy. These findings may be beneficial for building self-efficacy-based therapies to enhance physical functioning.
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In-Text Citation: (Razali et al., 2023)
To Cite this Article: Razali, N., Ghazali, S. E., & Subramaniam, P. (2023). Narrative Review on Self-Efficacy and Physical Functioning of Stroke Patients. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 13(7), 316 – 325.
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