ISSN: 2222-6990
Open access
The implementation of occupational therapy intervention in education is very important and necessary among special education students with learning disabilities. However, in Malaysia, these practices still need to be seen compared to developed Western countries such as the United States. This study was conducted to explore the level of knowledge of special education teachers with learning disabilities about occupational therapy. The objective of this study is to identify the level of knowledge of special education teachers towards occupational therapy, to identify the importance of the level of knowledge of special education teachers towards occupational therapy, and to identify the way of implementing the level of knowledge of special education teachers towards occupational therapy. This study is a survey study involving 210 special education teachers in the Malacca district. The design of this study uses a quantitative approach, which is the filling of questionnaires and document analysis for the data collection process. This study uses Bloom's Taxonomy Model and the Iceberg Competency Model. Overall, the findings of the study show that the level of knowledge of special education teachers towards occupational therapy is at a moderate level (mean=3.39, SD = 0.885, N=210). While the importance of the level of knowledge of special education teachers towards occupational therapy is at a high level (mean=3.69, SD = 0.803, N=210), and the way of implementing the level of knowledge of special education teachers towards occupational therapy is also at a high level (mean =4.01, SD= 0.716, N=210). Finally, this study proves to the special education teachers in Malaysia that knowledge, awareness of the importance and implementation of occupational therapy interventions plays an important role in detecting students' fine and gross motor problems furthermore impacting the development of special needs students.
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In-Text Citation: (Hau & Rashid, 2023)
To Cite this Article: Hau, J. J., & Rashid, S. M. M. (2023). Level of Knowledge of Special Education Teachers towards Occupational Therapy. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 13(2), 670 – 687.
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