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International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences

Open Access Journal

ISSN: 2222-6990

A Study of Factors Influencing Public Sector Secondary School Teachers’ Job Satisfaction

Ghulam Mohuyuddin Solangi, Nasim Qaisrani, Shahid Mughal

Open access

This paper attempted to analyze government secondary school teachers’ level of job satisfaction and to identify factors that lead towards dissatisfaction among teachers. The study was descriptive in nature. Survey method was used to collect data from teachers. The population of the study comprised of government secondary school teachers. By using convenient sampling technique, 343 secondary school teachers were selected keeping in view male, female, rural urban locations of schools. ‘Teachers Job Satisfaction Survey (JSS)’ was used to collect data.The reliability of JSS of the total scale was found 0.87 on Cronbach’s Alpha Coefficient. Data were analysed in SPSS version 16. The findings of the study suggested that: teachers were satisfied with their monthly salary, fringe benefits and administrative support provided to them. Regarding school policy, the overall mean score suggested that teachers were moderately satisfied with school policies and goals. The data further revealed that teachers were not satisfied with opportunities for promotion and professional development. In order to boost the level of motivation and satisfaction of teachers the study has made several recommendations for teachers and other stakeholders.