ISSN: 2222-6990
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Program evaluation is a systematic approach to gathering, analysing, and applying data to address issues with initiatives, policies, and programs, especially with regards to their efficacy and efficiency. Therefore, this pilot study aims to test the reliability of four dimensions in this study, which is the context dimension which has two sub-dimensions, namely curriculum goals and curriculum objectives. The respondents for the pilot study to be 25 people because the number of the population for the entire respondent is limited. The study findings show the Cronbach's alpha value for each pilot study variable, the context variable has a value of 0.902, the input variable has a value of 0.930, the process variable has a value of 0.937, the product variable has a value of 0.909 and the entire research instrument has a value of 0.979. The research instrument has high reliability and therefore the next step can be continued. Therefore, this study can be continued to the next level and carried out on 51 vocational colleges which will involve 132 to 136 respondents.
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In-Text Citation: (Mukhter et al., 2023)
To Cite this Article: Mukhter, M. S., Yunus, J. @ N., & Yuet, F. K. C. (2023). Evaluation of Automotive Technology Diploma Program at Malaysian Vocational College: Validity and Reliability. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 13(2), 542 – 549.
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