ISSN: 2222-6990
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Rapid economic growth has a major impact on income distribution and quality of life, but it also resulted in technological development and increasing competition in the internal-external workplaces. To reduce high risk at the workplace, the European foundation for quality management’s enablers is an important aspect and is a largely known model, organizations can apply in order to achieve excellence. This paper highlights the problems in the Jordanian Pharmaceutical companies namely the high closing rate in Jordanian Pharmaceutical companies , and the lack of technological development and knowledge which may be due to a lack of working within the excellence model focus on the entire production process and the resources. The existence of these problems shows that the application of the organization for European Foundation For Quality Managements’ enablers will lead to continuous competition and long-term existence in the marketplace. 100 respondents were randomly selected from 15 pharmaceutical companies in Jordan. An exploratory factor analysis was performed and a structured questionnaire was used to summarize the research objectives. Research has shown the effectiveness of applying the EFQM Enablers among Jordanian Pharmaceutical companies.
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In-Text Citation: (Khrais & Amirah, 2023)
To Cite this Article: Khrais, L. T., & Amirah, N. A. (2023). Implementation of European Foundation for Quality Management’s Enablers among Jordanian Pharmaceutical Companies: Literature Review. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 13(2), 1562 – 1570.
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