ISSN: 2222-6990
Open access
The Innocence as a religious validity criterion is one of the most fundamental twelve-Imam Shiite beliefs. This word, Innocence (esmæt) , in special meaning means absolute purity of soul from all impurities , vices and wickedness and allocates to the principles of Shiism. On this basis, the innocence is an internal, heavenly and genetic power which is allocated to the prophet’s people of the house by God’s will. But because the authority is one of the necessities of stability and durability of innocence, we can prove the innocence of twelve Imams by clarifying its relationship with authority. In this approach, having a sound and complete knowledge of God and obeying him devotionally is the introduction of spiritual light and the utmost of the intellect and accessing to the real Unity and a monotheist can access to a live heart which results in permanent The remember an coed Allah and love and it can remove the material veils from the human being and make them capable of realities intuition. This knowledge and intuition prevent him from doing filths and perversions and also attributes him to internal purity and innocence.
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