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International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences

Open Access Journal

ISSN: 2222-6990

Entrepreneurial Mindset and Business Creation among Undergraduate Students in Malaysia Public University

Aryati Abd Rahman, Sheerad Sahid, Mohamed Yusoff Mohd Nor, Ahmad Zamri Mansor

Open access

The field of entrepreneurship is increasingly playing a role as an economic catalyst and capability in efforts to increase innovation, creativity, and competitiveness in certain countries. The entrepreneurship program was created at the university and is constantly being developed to bring students closer to the world of entrepreneurship. One of the main goals is to enable students to think positively about starting a business without being dependent on a job related to their area of expertise. Hence, this research seeks to test the entrepreneurial mindset's impacts on business creation among undergraduate students at public universities in Malaysia. This study also tested the role of university entrepreneurship programs and social media in communicating the relationships between entrepreneurship and business creation. The study population consisted of 500 students from public universities in Malaysia. This study uses a quantitative methodological approach to self-administered online questionnaires to respondents. This study will have implications for developing entrepreneurship learning modules in public universities to emphasise the significance of instilling an entrepreneurial mindset in post-graduation students for starting a business and relying on the existing themes to get a job.

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In-Text Citation: (Rahman et al., 2023)
To Cite this Article: Rahman, A. A., Sahid, S., Nor, M. Y. M., & Mansor, A. Z. (2023). Entrepreneurial Mindset and Business Creation among Undergraduate Students in Malaysia Public University. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 13(3), 704 – 714.