ISSN: 2222-6990
Open access
Daily food intake needs to be refined by the community, particularly in terms of food safety. This is because unknowingly the consumed food is often exposed to food safety threats and risks causing harm to the body while the purpose of food is to provide and supply energy in order to carry on daily activities in life. Therefore, this study was conducted to discuss the threats and challenges of food safety that occur in Malaysia so that corrective actions can be taken while reducing the risk that can cause harm to individuals. This study was conducted as a qualitative study by applying inductive and deductive methods to analyse the data after information was collected through the literature review and content analysis approach. The study found that food safety in Malaysia is faced with various threats from various angles such as food poisoning, food contamination, food composition, labelling, food packaging, food quality, food cleanliness, the impact of food on health and more. In light of that, a chain-collaborative solution between the government, industry, and consumers that adheres to the concept of ?al?lan ?ayyiban must be implemented to ensure the supply of halal, clean, safe, quality, nutritious and healthy food.
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In-Text Citation: (Riza et al., 2023)
To Cite this Article: Riza, N. S. M., Hamdan, M. N., & Ariffin, M. F. M. (2023). Sustainability of Food Safety in Malaysia: Analysis of Challenges, Threats and Solutions. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 13(2), 1020 – 1035.
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