ISSN: 2222-6990
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Adolescents experience many issues during development phases, such as career, academic struggle, mental health, and social skills. In addition, other aspects can impact the outcome of adolescents, such as parents, family, friends, and environment. Parenting style is one of the significant factors influencing adolescent academic performance. Therefore, how parents treat their children will determine their academic performance. This study aims to explore the parental pressure on academic achievement among adolescents. This study employed qualitative research through an in-depth interview. The instrument has three sections, each containing five questions in the protocol document to guide the data gathering. Next, purposeful sampling was utilized to recruit participants who could provide in-depth and detailed information about the phenomenon. Findings demonstrate that a supportive parenting style will improve adolescents' academic achievement. On the other hand, the authoritarian parenting style often puts high expectations on their children's academic achievement, which eventually causes stress for them. Therefore, parental involvement remains essential for positive youth development, especially in education, and should be more flexible in raising their children. Hence, parents must be aware of their children's academic or practical abilities. This will help students be more successful in their life because they do something they are interested in.
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In-Text Citation: (Ahmad et al., 2023)
To Cite this Article: Ahmad, N., Sahrudin, N. F., Hamdan, H. S., Zakaria, W. P. N. I., Rozaki, N. J., Soffian, N. S. H. M., & Karima, N. I. (2023). Exploring Parental Pressure on Academic Performance among Adolescents. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 13(3), 571 – 579.
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