ISSN: 2222-6990
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Writing strategies are important in order to produce good writing including writing in a second or foreign language. This is because writing skill requires learners to be competent in the learned language; in the use of vocabulary, syntax, grammar, sentence structure, strategies and lexical. Aripin (2021), while at the same time the writer's idea can be transferred successfully. This study reports on an investigation into writing strategies used by Malaysian university students learning Arabic as a foreign language. This paper briefly discusses these writing strategies' influences on the writing process. This quantitative study also aims to find the relationship between variable writing processes. A survey with 6 main sections with 27 items and a 5-point Likert scale has been conducted on 179 participants from a public University in Malaysia, UiTM Shah Alam. The findings of the study revealed that writing strategies have big influences on the writing process in various ways. It was also found that the variable processes are strongly and positively associated. It shows that these strategies are also related to each other where the Metacognitive strategy has a highly significant association with the other four strategies: Cognitive, Effort Regulation, Social and Affective strategies. The results of this study have greatly impacted the teaching and learning of Foreign Language academic writing. Further research on the way these writing strategies are associated is necessary to shed more light on FL writing strategy use. And it would be informative if the research could be done for a longer term which covers all three levels that students are required to complete.
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In-Text Citation: (Sazali et al., 2023)
To Cite this Article: Sazali, A. R., Khamarudin, F., Alahdad, S. N. A., Aripin, N. binti, & Rahmat, N. H. (2023). An Investigation of Writing Strategy Used By Undergraduates Learning Arabic As A Foreign Language. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 13(4), 1648 – 1669.
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