Rapid advancement of technology brings an impact on many facets of human life. The advancement of technology has increased the variety of options for enhancing language learning at all educational levels. In an educational context, the presence of technologies in classrooms and at home provides new ways of engaging students in the field of language learning, as well as it creates opportunities for teachers to conduct lessons by integrating technology into their classes. Technology has proven to be useful in enhancing language learning. However, there are still few of obstacles of technology in language learning as students might misuse it. This study intended to identify the benefits and challenges of using Technology enhanced language learning (TELL). Thus, this study concludes that although technology might help with learning, it can also have detrimental consequences if used without supervision.
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In-Text Citation: (Iberahim et al., 2023)
To Cite this Article: Iberahim, A., Yunus, M. M., & Sulaiman, N. A. (2023). A Review on Technology Enhanced Language Learning (TELL). International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 13(2), 1509 – 1519.
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