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International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences

Open Access Journal

ISSN: 2222-6990

Scaffolding Transportation in Horizontal Way

Jannatun Naemah Ismam, Norsyahira Muhammad, Nor Azizah Talkis, Nor Asma Hafizah Hadzaman

Open access

Scaffolding is important equipment in either conventional or IBS construction. Both are needed for the renovation and supporting scaffolding of workers and materials during building operations, structural repairs, or cleaning. Work-related musculoskeletal disorders (WMSDs) are a common health concern among construction workers. Workers are also affected by pain in their shoulders, lower back pain, knee pain, leg tiredness and feet due to their occupation. WMSDs are the main issue faced by the scaffolders or workers at the construction site due to lifting and carrying the scaffolding component from transport to the workplace. By identifying the main issue, it provides the opportunity and platform to propose an innovation idea for solving such an issue. Due to that issue, an innovation has been proposed known as scaffolding transportation in a horizontal way. The objectives of the innovation project are to identify the problems associated with the scaffolding transportation method in construction sites and to propose an innovative product to improve the scaffolding transportation method in construction sites. In order to achieve the following objective, the method used for the development of the proposed innovation idea included desk studies on the previous article on the relevant topic and questionnaire surveys to strengthen the innovation idea. This innovative idea has a good impact on the construction industry and it is in line with IR4.0 as well.

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In-Text Citation: (Ismam et al., 2023)
To Cite this Article: Ismam, J. N., Muhammad, N., Talkis, N. A., & Hadzaman, N. A. H. (2023). Scaffolding Transportation in Horizontal Way. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 13(4), 805 – 819.