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International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences

Open Access Journal

ISSN: 2222-6990

The Relationship between Professional and Communication Competence on Employees’ Performance: A Conceptual Framework

Sheema Liza Idris, Noorlinda Alang, Zarlina Mohd Zamari

Open access

The performance of an organisation is very crucial to ensure its sustainability. The success of an organisation does depend on the performance of its employees. Employee performance is critical to the overall success of the company (Leonard, 2019). Thus, it is crucial to ensure that the employees perform significantly to ensure the success of an organisation. This paper is conceptual in nature and not empirical. It is aimed at presenting the preliminary work for a study. The concepts of performance and the numerous theories that have evolved are examined. A review of previous literature on employee performance and other factors that influence employees’ performance like professional competency and communication competency is conducted. This conceptual framework will guide in the data collection process whereby a basic quantitative method is proposed as the most suitable approach for this study. Questionnaires will be distributed to lecturers at comprehensive universities within Peninsular Malaysia. With the mediating variable of flexible working, the study seeks to observe whether it affects employees’ performance.

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In-Text Citation: (Idris et al., 2023)
To Cite this Article: Idris, S. L., Alang, N., & Zamari, Z. M. (2023). The Relationship between Professional and Communication Competence on Employees’ Performance: A Conceptual Framework. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 13(4), 544 – 568.