ISSN: 2222-6990
Open access
The social skills of children with autism are important for their learning process. This study aims to observe and identify independent play through the communication, verbal and learning style components and learning facilitation towards improving the social skills of children with autism. The study sample was three children and three teachers in three special education primary schools in Kuala Lumpur integration. The design of this study uses a qualitative approach with structured observation and interviews. Data collection through questionnaires and observations using a four-point likert scale to obtain information on the teacher's teaching approach style (A1), student social skills (A2) and student social skills during free play (B). Overall, the findings of the study for the approach style (A1) of three teachers used teacher lesson plans and teaching aids 100 percent very often. The teacher's strategy showed that 66.66 percent of the respondents stated that they always and 33.33 percent of the respondents said that they were very often. While the teacher's teaching strategy states that frequency always exceeds very often. Student social skills (A2) which is an interview with three teachers and three children showed different results from the three children involved in terms of behavior, socializing and sharing goods. Next, for the social skills of the three children during free play (B) was conducted, showing that the three activities carried out, namely the bragging game, snake checkers and long pole can have a positive effect and attract the interest of the three children involved based on the total percentage and total mean score studied. Finally, this study provides implications for educational institutions in addition to raising awareness for teachers and parents about the importance of free play and learning styles and facilitation of social skills among children with autism.
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In-Text Citation: (Hassan & Khairuddin, 2023)
To Cite this Article: Hassan, M. A. bin, & Khairuddin, K. F. (2023). Social Skills of Children with Autism During Independent Play Activities. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 13(4), 1910 – 1926.
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