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International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences

Open Access Journal

ISSN: 2222-6990

The Effect of An Educational Module According To 21st-Century Skills on The Academic Achievement of Students of Schools in Oman

Murshid Al Yaarubi, Nurazmallail Bin Marni, Fareed Awae, Hassan Abuhassna

Open access

This paper aims to lay the groundwork for ongoing discussions about how 21st-century skills may be effectively incorporated into the education module. In the past, most of the studies dealt with 21st-century skills as a dependent variable, and the current article dealt with 21st-century skills as an independent variable and how to integrate them into the school curricula. Moreover, the current article targets a more specific educational stage: the twelfth-grade students who transition from formal education to higher education institutions or engage in the labor market. The study sample consisted of two groups of 39 students each, one experimental and one control. The two groups were chosen were Abu Tammam School for Basic Education for Boys Grades (11-12), and Sheikh Salem bin Saeed Al-Sayeghy School for Basic Education for Boys, grades (10-12) selected outside the study sample and within the study community. The study's findings showed that educational module according to 21st century skills had a positive impact on academic achievement of the students of twelfth grade, first semester students who are enrolled in the economics and commerce field.

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In-Text Citation: (Yaarubi et al., 2023)
To Cite this Article: Yaarubi, M. Al, Marni, N. Bin, Awae, F., & Abuhassna, H. (2023). The Effect of An Educational Module According To 21st-Century Skills on The Academic Achievement of Students of Schools in Oman. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 13(3), 1367 – 1379.