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International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences

Open Access Journal

ISSN: 2222-6990

“Servant Leadership” Vs “Leadership Competency” – towards “Sejahtera” University Working Environment

Sharfika Raime, Mohd. Farid Shamsudin, Raemah Abdullah Hashim, Norsafriman Abd. Rahman

Open access

This research was conducted to examine whether servant leadership and leadership competency have a significant relationship with the working environment, involving respondents from public university leaders in Malaysia. In addition, this study aims to find the answer either leadership style or leadership competency is more substantial in influencing the working environment which subsequently impacts the success of a university. The results of this study prove that servant leadership and leadership competency have a significant relationship with the working environment with p<0.01. However, the regression results show only servant leadership has a significant influence or contribution towards the working environment with a t-value higher than 1.96. This research suggests that university leaders can consider the servant leadership style in governing their universities. Through literature review and discussion, leaders by now should have more favourable opinions and perceptions towards servant leadership and no longer perceive it as a leadership style for a weak leader. The motivation of conducting this research is due to prevalent leadership issues recently happened at universities leading to unpleasant working environment. It is hoped that the results and discussion of this study can contribute in the form of references to university leaders on the importance of leadership style based on humanity and empathy to obtain a favourable university working environment, aligned with the goals of the National Education Philosophy (NEP) and sustainable development agenda (SD16 – peace, justice, and strong institutions).

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In-Text Citation: (Raime et al., 2023)
To Cite this Article: Raime, S., Shamsudin, M. F., Hashim, R. A., & Rahman, N. A. (2023). “Servant Leadership” Vs “Leadership Competency” – towards “Sejahtera” University Working Environment. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 13(4), 1364 – 1374.