ISSN: 2222-6990
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With the rising awareness of mental health issues among Malaysians, our country needs more competent mental health professionals nowadays. Therefore, in the process of developing a competent counsellor, training the counselling students must be taken seriously to increase their counselling self-efficacy, which involves the emotional and spiritual intelligence components. This study investigates the relationship and predictive variables between Emotional Intelligence (EI), Spiritual Intelligence (SI) and Counselling Self-Efficacy (CSE) among counselling students at private universities in Klang Valley, Malaysia. Participants of this study consisted of 54 counselling students from UNITAR International University (UNITAR) and Management and Science University (MSU). This study used a quantitative approach, with three kinds of instruments, i.e., Counselling Self-Estimate Inventory (COSE), Wong and Law EI Test (WLEIS) and Spiritual Intelligence Self-Report Inventory (SISRI-24). The findings revealed a positive relationship between Emotional Intelligence and Spiritual Intelligence with Counselling Self-Efficacy. The multiple regression analysis shows that Emotional Intelligence predicts Counselling Self-Efficacy. However, Spiritual Intelligence, on the other hand, did not predict Counselling Self-Efficacy. This finding shows the importance of nurturing emotional and spiritual intelligence among counselling students to improve their counselling self-efficacy. The educators could focus on assessments and trainings that cound enhance students’ emotional and spiritual intelligence. Apart, the counsellors themselves could apply some interventions such as through readings, attending seminars or any emotional and spiritual events.
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In-Text Citation: (Durahim et al., 2023)
To Cite this Article: Durahim, N. S. binti A. R. @, Taha, N. binti M., Hussain, M. A. M. bin, Azman, N. A. A. binti, & Zuki, N. H. binti M. (2023). Exploring The Relationship between Emotional Intelligence, Spiritual Intelligence and Counselling Self-Efficacy among Counselling Students at Private Universities in Klang Valley, Malaysia. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 13(4), 1801 – 1818.
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