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International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences

Open Access Journal

ISSN: 2222-6990

Communication Significance in Digital Leadership: Does it Matter?

Nurhafizah Abdul Musid, Mohd Effendi@Ewan Mohd Matore, Aida Hanim A. Hamid

Open access

One of the leadership philosophies that is now getting a lot of attention is digital leadership. Communication is one of the concepts that is directly associated with digital leadership. However, there hasn't been much discussion of this concept to gauge digital leadership. This has bad consequences because the role of communication in digital leadership and related theory cannot be properly explained. So, the initiative of this study is to explore the significance of communication in evaluating digital leadership. In this study context, it was mentioned that communication is a key component of digital leadership because effective communication enables sharing expertise, improving communication with students in the classroom, and solving the problem of students not understanding instructions during the online teaching and learning process. Communication in digital leadership is also important to make the teaching and learning process smooth and help students solve problems in the classroom. The five-dimensional model of human communication and the dynamic transactional model are theories that are strongly linked to this concept. These two theories will guide the design of the communication aspects in digital leadership. This is because both theories can explain the elements that are necessary for effective communication. This study will help the education sector successfully integrate digital leadership by ensuring that important elements of communication are embedded in digital leadership. It is advisable to conduct a study on the communication level by creating an index as empirical evidence of digital leadership among educators.

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In-Text Citation: (Musid et al., 2023)
To Cite this Article: Abdul Musid, N., Mohd Matore, M. E. E., & A. Hamid, A. H. (2023). Communication Significance in Digital Leadership: Does it Matter? International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 13(5), 1256 – 1264.