ISSN: 2222-6990
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The post-mortem of the corpse is an inevitable and familiar thing among the community nowadays for Muslims. This is because it is an action that needs to be taken and done in the interest of the community to solve criminal or non-criminal cases as well as studies in the medical field. However, in the matter of post-mortem, does Islam stipulate the laws to be followed so that there is no contradiction between the syarak claim and the practice performed today. It may occur due to a clash between maslahah and mafsadah in the procedure. Hence, there is ambiguity in assessing the ruling of post-mortem practice until there is a possible violation of ethics and law when the concept of maslahah and mafsadah applied exceeds the prescribed limits. In the case of determining an ethics, this study will evaluate the extent of post-mortem practice in accordance with the requirements of maqasid which takes into account the concepts of maslahah and mafsadah. To obtain the necessary data, this study will be measured in two methods which is by identifying the opinions of scholars through the books of their essays in determining the ruling and analyzing according to inductive, deductive and comparative methods. Thus, this study found the feasibility of post-mortem in Malaysia by using a holistic approach based on the assessment of Islamic ethics under the concept of maslahah-mafsadah (benefit-risk). Three main strategies based on the concept of maslahah-mafsadah were applied. First; evidence-based approach, secondly; impact-based and third-based approaches; priority approach. The analysis concludes that the implementation of an autopsy can be categorized as a step in fulfilling the need for a zaniyyah (possibility) manner. However, it is seen to be effective in various current requirements, but there needs to be a Standard Operation Procedure (SOP) that must be carried out before the post-mortem is carried out.
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In-Text Citation: (Hassan et al., 2023)
To Cite this Article: Hassan, W. Z. W., Abdullah, N., & Arham, A. F. (2023). Application of Maslahah and Mafsadah Criteria According to Islamic Ethics Perspective on Post-Mortem of Corpses in Malaysia. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 13(4), 1879 – 1893.
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