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International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences

Open Access Journal

ISSN: 2222-6990

Google Classroom As A Tool to Enhance English Language Speaking Performance Amid The Covid-19 Pandemic among Primary School Students

Punithavathy Rajaindaran, Amelia Abdullah

Open access

After decades of English language learning, speaking in English is still seen as the most difficult skill to master among primary students in the Malaysian classroom. Regardless, Covid-19 made face to face learning impossible. Google Classroom became one of the options that was able to commensurate face-to-face learning. Therefore, this study aimed to analyse teachers’ perception towards the usage of Google Classroom in teaching speaking to Primary ESL students and how the tool assisted in producing better speakers of the language during the pandemic. 30 teachers from Penang Mainland were selected to respond towards Google Classroom in teaching English speaking skill. Five from the 30 teachers were interviewed to support the quantitative data. Data analysis was done on 50 primary students’ School Based Assessment (SBA) reports to identify their performance level. The results of the research findings prove that Google Classroom had been an effective tool in enhancing speaking performance (CAF) among students where the mean score of 23 teachers, felt Google Classroom was an effective tool to enhance CAF among students. This can be supported with the students’ SBA data whereby 72% of them obtained Performance Level (TP) of 4 and higher, compared to their assessment results before the pandemic where only 12% obtained above Performance Level (TP) of 4. The interview data gave new insights into where all five teachers felt that students were more confident in speaking which eventually increased their CAF level. From this research, it had been found that teachers had positive perception on Google Classroom as a significant tool in enhancing students’ speaking performance thus this study could be a source of reference for teachers and policy makers to integrate Google Classroom in teaching English speaking skill.

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In-Text Citation: (Rajaindaran & Abdullah, 2023)
To Cite this Article: Rajaindaran, P., & Abdullah, A. (2023). Google Classroom As A Tool to Enhance English Language Speaking Performance Amid The Covid-19 Pandemic among Primary School Students. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 13(6), 1869 – 1892.