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International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences

Open Access Journal

ISSN: 2222-6990

Factors Affecting Customer Preference in Selecting Family Restaurant in Langkawi

Ana Batriysia Azman, Mohd Aliff Abdul Majid

Open access

The restaurants’ ambience, service quality and food quality highly influence the customer preference in choosing a family restaurant. Thus, this study aims to identify the main contributor that effecting customers’ preferences in choosing the restaurants and to investigate the level of customer perception on customer preference in selecting the restaurants. A cross-sectional, quantitative research approach consisting of a closed-ended structured questionnaire was employed. The items that were used to measure the variables were modified from earlier research and specifically constructed for the study. A total of 167 usable data was analysed using regression analysis. The findings highlighted that ambience, service quality and food quality have a significant relationship with customer preferences in selecting the restaurant. Taking these factors into account, in the upcoming study, additional data is needed to fully determine the level of customer preferences in selecting restaurants. Hence, this study can provide a unique insight into the foodservice industry on customer behaviour in choosing a restaurant for dining.

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In-Text Citation: (Azman & Majid, 2023)
To Cite this Article: Azman, A. B., & Majid, M. A. A. (2023). Factors Affecting Customer Preference in Selecting Family Restaurant in Langkawi. International Journal of Academic Research in Business & Social Sciences, 13(5), 169 – 184.