ISSN: 2222-6990
Open access
District Chief (Penghulu Mukim) in selangor is a civil servant appointed by the current selangor state public service commission who acts as the head of administration at the district level and the traditional formal leader of the community, not based on politics. District Chief played a major role in the Malay community starting from the era of the rule of the Malay Kings before the arrival of the British. District Chief becomes an intermediary between stake holders and the people. The institution of Penghulu is also often associated with the Islamic religious affairs of the community, especially in matters of weddings, mosques, celebrations of Islamic great days, points of reference for the views of household institutions, management of small inheritances and so on. The Islamic Religious Administration Enactment (Selangor State) 2003 states that the District Chief is the Advisor for the mosque in his district based on the provision in item 41. (5) Regulations of Mosques and Suraus (Selangor State) 2017. Therefore, the District Chief has a role and responsibility in religious affairs and the Muslim community in Selangor. Thus, this article aims to identify the role and responsibility of the District Chief as a community leader in matters of religion and Muslims in Selangor today. Quantitative method is the research design chosen in this study. The method used in this study is literature research by referring to primary sources and secondary sources consisting of articles, journals, enactments and guidelines. The method of field research by interviewing the District Chief in the district and the Union of Penghulu/Penggawa Peninsula Malaysia (KPPSM) Selangor State Branch was also carried out. The results of the study found that District Chief plays an important role in Islamic religious affairs for the Muslim community, especially in the administrative area.
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In-Text Citation: (Kamaruddin et al., 2023)
To Cite this Article: Kamaruddin, N., Kamaruzaman, M. A. S., & Kamarzaman, M. H. (2023). The Role of District Chief (Penghulu Mukim) in Religion and Muslims Affairs in Selangor State. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 13(7), 558 – 572.
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