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International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences

Open Access Journal

ISSN: 2222-6990

Implementation Level of Knowledge Management of Medium Cluster Cooperatives in Malaysia

Nor Aslamiah Ali, Najmah Nawawi, Nor Azlina Kassim, Faiz Ahmad Yatim, Norul Hayatie Hashim, Rosmalina Che Yakzam, Safawi Abdul Rahman

Open access

Knowledge management (KM) is a process of managing explicit knowledge assets, potentially explicit and implicit, owned by an organisation. The implementation of effective and efficient knowledge management will allow and help the cooperatives to achieve their established goals. Nevertheless, the implementation level of knowledge management in cooperatives is not known clearly due to limited research on the implementation of knowledge management in cooperatives. The intention of this study is to observe the KM implementation level by identifying Cultural (Human Resource), Governance Structure (Process) and Technological factors. Based on the records of the Malaysian Cooperative Commission (SKM), there were 545 cooperatives under the category of medium cluster selected as the study population. A purposive sampling technique was used in choosing the samples. 230 samples were obtained for this research using the Raosoft formula. Therefore, 230 completed copies, targeting the top management of the cooperatives, were collected and used for analyse.The data then analyse using partial least squares-structural equation modelling (PLS-SEM) SmartPLS 3.2.9. This study found that, the level of implementation of all KM practice factors is high with Cultural (Human Resources) having the most significance towards the effectiveness of cooperative governance. Cultural factors include interaction, dialogue, relations, contacts, perspectives, self-management, corporate visions, vision statements, organisational values, corporate values, value statements, trust, and openness. The research results can be used to support the KM initiatives in cooperatives to carry out good KM practices. The implementation of this study will provide an opportunity for further research to explore the level or state of knowledge management practices in cooperatives other than medium cluster.

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In-Text Citation: (Ali et al., 2023)
To Cite this Article: Ali, N. A., Nawawi, N., Kassim, N. A., Yatim, F. A., Hashim, N. H., Yakzam, R. C., & Rahman, S. A. (2023). Implementation Level of Knowledge Management of Medium Cluster Cooperatives in Malaysia. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 13(7), 421 – 431.