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International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences

Open Access Journal

ISSN: 2222-6990

“Catch The Joker” As An Innovation of Anti Corruption Education: An Action Research by Using Swot Analysis

Muhammad Atiullah Othman, Sulaiman Dorloh, Siti Noranizahhafizah Boyman, Vasanthan Gurusamy, Noor Ruladha Mohamed

Open access

An innovative game named 'Catch The Joker' is the product of action research on anti-corruption education which has filed its copyright under the code number: LY2022W06187. This game has its main character called Joker, a corruptor who can request for a card called Single Strike Energy from Officer, the game operator, to overrule this game. Joker is also able to eliminate any Villager by manipulating the game, but the Villager’s vote can counter strike Joker and save them. Whilst this game verifies values of individual integrity in community, it can also assess individual’s sensitivity to corruption as a crime, and develop awareness on the dangers of corruption upon individuals and community. The objective of this research is to identify strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and challenges of the 'Catch The Joker' game. Therefore, the research method used is qualitative research by using an action research design. Hence, research instruments include observations and interviews. This study begins with a pre-study stage by informing the involvement of researcher and participants, work planning and the preparation of the game’s prototype. Then, research activities involve collecting, managing and analyzing information and data. In order to confirm data reliability, the study will go through a process of triangulation, expert evaluation, reviews and consent of participants in the study, peer review and audit trail. Findings show that 'Catch The Joker' can become a medium of anti-corruption education that indirectly provides early awareness and learning on corruption; especially players will learn and gain experiences on how to combat corruption by learning the meaning of corruption, the persons involved in corruption and introducing legal punishment. In fact, the game can develop a person’s mind to avoid corruption as well as at the same time rendering to a form of entertainment that stimulates fun and attraction to the younger generation.

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In-Text Citation: (Othman et al., 2023)
To Cite this Article: Othman, M. A., Dorloh, S., Boyman, S. N., Gurusamy, V., & Mohamed, N. R. (2023). No Title“Catch The Joker” As An Innovation of Anti Corruption Education: An Action Research by Using Swot Analysis. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 13(6), 117 – 131.