ISSN: 2222-6990
Open access
This study explores the integration of platform games as a powerful tool for enhancing virtual tourism experiences. In traditional tourism, physical travel is usually costly and time-consuming, whereas virtual tourism enables the exploration of destinations remotely. However, virtual tourism can be perceived as passive and lacking engagement. The potential of platform games to overcome these limitations is investigated through the development of a platform game-based virtual tourism experience called "Malaysia Expo." The positive impact of platform game integration is revealed through user testing and evaluation, showcasing interactive and immersive environments that enrich the overall tourism experience. The advancement of sustainable practices and the creation of captivating virtual travel experiences are contributed by embracing gamification in virtual tourism.
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In-Text Citation: (Zolkifly et al., 2023)
To Cite this Article: Zolkifly, I. A., Yao, D. N. L., Theng, L. C., Sin, C. Z., An, H. Z., Jarad, M. I. Q. Bin, Hatta, N. M. H. B. M., & Muniandy, V. A. (2023). Leveraging Platform-Based Games to propel Virtual Tourism. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 13(8), 831 – 842.
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