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International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences

Open Access Journal

ISSN: 2222-6990

Post-Pandemic Transition and The Way Forward: A Narrative Literature Review of Onboarding

Shahzatul Ermiza Johol, Zuraina Dato Mansor

Open access

When the global COVID-19 pandemic strikes, the whole nation shakes! The pandemic has increased preexisting issues and created a slew of new ones for employees commencing new professions. Onboarding is a systematic and comprehensive strategy for acclimating a new hire to a company's culture - physically and mentally. The pandemic is affecting onboarding activities and has driven the system to improvise in accordance with the new norm. This paper's goal is to explore the body of literature on onboarding, the practices and future directions after the global Covid19 pandemic. Applying the narrative review approach, 16 articles that were traced via Scopus and Google Scholar databases were examined through the PRISMA method for this paper. The review of the previous literature resulted in three (3) key components: onboarding before the pandemic, the transition during the pandemic and the challenges of transition. For future research, further study should be conducted to explore a wider range of research concerns, to take into account a wider range of perspectives, and to learn more about the onboarding activities that might change prior to the pandemic.

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In-Text Citation: (Johol & Mansor, 2023)
To Cite this Article: Johol, S. E., & Mansor, Z. D. (2023). Post-Pandemic Transition and The Way Forward: A Narrative Literature Review of Onboarding. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 13(7), 581 – 595.