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International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences

Open Access Journal

ISSN: 2222-6990

Sustainability of Islamic Microfinance in Indonesia: Exploring the Role of Computerised Accounting Information Systems

Provita Wijayanti, Intan Salwani Mohamed, Dalila Daud

Open access

The COVID-19 pandemic, which hit all business sectors, drives organisations and business units to conduct various sustainable strategies to survive. Entering post-pandemic, financial and non-financial sectors keep adapting to technology, including Islamic Microfinance. Strategic role of Islamic Microfinance encourages the government to issue various policies to help Islamic Microfinance remain sustainable. One of the recommendations to maintain sustainability is empowering Islamic Microfinance infrastructure based on digitalised Accounting Information Systems or Computerized Accounting Information Systems (CAIS). CAIS's effectiveness in some research findings makes Islamic Microfinance independent and financially sustainable, encouraging reducing transaction costs and driving service quality toward target customers. Therefore, CAIS effectiveness in the digital and globalisation era requires information technology based on company characteristics to lead, govern, and judge CAIS operation, which consists of digital-based information quality, system quality, and service quality to achieve Islamic Microfinance sustainability.

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(Wijayanti et al., 2023)
To Cite this Article: Wijayanti, P., Mohamed, I. S., & Daud, D. (2023). Sustainability of Islamic Microfinance in Indonesia: Exploring the Role of Computerised Accounting Information Systems. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 13(8), 865 – 881.