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International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences

Open Access Journal

ISSN: 2222-6990

The Concept of Surrogate Mother and its Practice in Some Selected Countries

Normadiah Daud, Khairina Gustia

Open access

Every married couple definitely wants to have offspring but not allcouples are blessed with children in a normal way. There are some couples who have to choose to use the test tube baby technique or IVF, which is fertilization outside the womb. Meanwhile, there are also mothers who are unable to conceive for a baby due to the uterus problem. Finally, with the development of science and technology, the concept of surrogacy was introduced by mixing the husband's sperm and his wife's ovum in a tube then it was placed into the womb of a woman with a rental agreement. The objective this article is to clarify the meaning of surrogacy, the implementation process, the forms of surrogacy, the factors that cause surrogacy and its practice in some selected countries. This conceptual study uses content analysis methods from secondary data. These secondary data are obtained from scientific books, articles in journals, authoritative websites, papers, seminar papers, proceedings and others. Hopefully by writing an article this concept will give understanding to the community regarding surrogacy.

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In-Text Citation: (Daud & Gustia, 2023)
To Cite this Article: Daud, N., & Gustia, K. (2023). The Concept of Surrogate Mother and its Practice in Some Selected Countries. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 13(6), 1354 – 1363.