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International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences

Open Access Journal

ISSN: 2222-6990

Online and Offline Study Materials Synthesized in Motivating English Majors of China in Learning English Literature

Huan He, Mansour Amini

Open access

We live in an era in which technology is advanced, with convenient internet-based technology, like Wi-Fi, which enables students to access a variety of online information easily, including some study materials to help learners study on their own without only relying on their teachers for knowledge. Teachers living in such an information age also face many opportunities as well as challenges that past lecturers did not encounter, therefore, the ways students study and teachers teach have changed significantly. In addition, the COVID-19 pandemic has caused many restrictions, due to the strict lockdown policy implemented by China, making online teaching and learning, and meeting become a common phenomenon in China. Hence it becomes inevitable to get used to a new way of interaction between teachers and learners. In this article, creative pedagogy has been explored and implemented to further motivate Chinese English Majors to take a great interest in literature learning by synthesizing online and offline study materials. The programme adopted a qualitative research design, collecting textual data gained from learners who were readily interactive with their researcher in a distance-education environment to air their opinions on questions pertinent to class contents after learning some American literary writings. After the collected data is coded and analyzed, the program testifies that learners become expressive, cooperative, and fond of literature lectures after being motivated by their academics who made use of both online and offline study materials. This research can be thought-provoking for American literature academics both in and outside of China who are desirous of meaningful and fruitful pedagogy in literature teaching and are keen on strengthening communication and interaction with their learners in class.

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In-Text Citation: (He et al., 2023)
To Cite this Article: He, H., & Amini, M. (2023). Online and Offline Study Materials Synthesized in Motivating English Majors of China in Learning English Literature. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 13(7), 886 – 900.