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International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences

Open Access Journal

ISSN: 2222-6990

Moderating Effect of Organization Culture on the Relationship between Talent Attraction and Employee Performance in Insurance Companies in Kenya

Bartoo Jelagat Francisca, Gregory Namusonge, Elizabeth Mukhoka Nambuswa

Open access

Organizations must develop effective processes for attracting people through recruiting and selection if they want to succeed in the modern business climate. Talented people should be developed so they can meet both the present and future skill requirements. It is possible for insurance companies to outperform their rivals through the performance of talented employees. There are no retention plans for talented personnel among the insurance managers. Therefore, this study sought to fill the existing gap in literature by establishing the moderating effect of organization culture on the relationship between talent attraction and employee performance in insurance companies in Kenya. The study was guided by the following objectives: to determine the effect of talent attraction on employee performance in insurance companies, the influence of organization culture on employee performance in insurance companies in Kenya. Finally, to establish the moderating effect of organization culture on the relationship between talent attraction and employee performance in insurance companies in Kenya. The study was anchored on Human Capital Theory. The study adopted mixed research design. The study was conducted in 4 insurance companies in Kenya. The target population of the study comprised of human resource managers, sales managers and sales agents. The sample size was 4 human resource managers, 4 sales managers and 377 sales agents. The sample size was obtained by stratified, simple random sampling and purposive sampling techniques. Questionnaire and interview schedule were used to collect data. Data was analyzed using descriptive and inferential statistics and presented in tabular form. Data was subjected to Hierarchical regression model. From Hierarchical regression model summary results on organizational culture interaction with talent attraction and employee performance in insurance companies indicated that the independent variable explained 11.6% (R2 = 0.116) of the variance on employee performance in insurance companies and were statistically significant. The moderator organizational culture explained only 28.9% (R2 = 0.289) of the variance. The interaction of talent attraction and culture (TA*OC) explained 28.9% (R2 = 0.289) of the variance in employee performance in insurance firms and was not significant. The regression coefficients indicated that career talent attraction (? = 0.284, P =0.000), organization culture (?=.313, P=0.000), were positive. According to the study's findings, talent acquisition strategies have a considerable impact on employee performance in insurance companies. The organization culture does not moderate the relationship between talent attraction and employee performance. This confirmed that organization culture buffered the effect of talent attraction on employee performance. The study advises managers to recognize that developing talented people is crucial to the achievement of their business objectives, which suggests that it is crucial for the managers to look for employees with the competencies and abilities that will significantly contribute to their teams.

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In-Text Citation: (Francisca et al., 2023)
To Cite this Article: Francisca, B. J., Namusonge, G., & Nambuswa, E. M. (2023). Moderating Effect of Organization Culture on the Relationship between Talent Attraction and Employee Performance in Insurance Companies in Kenya. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 13(6), 2353 – 2373.