While the dynamics of the reformist movement in Malaysia have always been attributed to external influence particularly that of the Middle East, the influence from Japan, a non-Middle Eastern country, is relatively notable. Japan was even viewed as a model by some Malay reformists in the early 20th century where news regarding Japan often found its way into the Malay press such as Al-Imam. The reasons leading to such a positive insight hence, are worth looking into. Using historical methodology and content-analysis approach, the study made of various historical documents including newspapers or newsletters published during the early 20th century with the aim to investigate the correlation between the news on some major developments in Japan and the zealous call for change and reform by Malay scholars and intellectuals in Malaya during that time. The findings of the study demonstrate that several major events in Japan, namely the fruitful modernization of Japan and the country’s military success against China and the imperialist Russia were the most impactful resulting in the Malay reformists’ call to the people of Malaya to follow the footsteps of Japan in order to free their minds as well as their nation from foreign imperialism. For future research, later developments involving Malaya and Japan could be assessed to see how the formed perception changed over time, and the factors that led to the change, if there was any, particularly as globalization set in.
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In-Text Citation: (Majdin & Fathil, 2023)
To Cite this Article: Majdin, M. F. M., & Fathil, F. (2023). The Image of Japan in Malaya: A Case Study of 19th Century Malay Press, Al-Imam. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 13(8), 1556 – 1570.
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