ISSN: 2222-6990
Open access
This study examines the relationship between drivers' awareness and perception of the adverse effects of Carbon Dioxide (CO2) emissions on the environment, their attitudes, and driving behavior. It is also examining the potential mediating effect of drivers' attitudes on the relationship between awareness and perception of CO2 emissions and driving behavior. The study focused on automobile drivers aged 18-year-old and older in Klang Valley, which has almost three million drivers, and purposive sampling yielded 425 replies for the study. The study employed the Partial Least Squares Structural Equation Modeling (PLS-SEM) approach, a widely recognized methodology in carbon footprint analysis. The data was meticulously examined using the advanced SmartPLS4 software. Results will provide valuable insights into factors that influence drivers' attitudes and behaviors toward carbon dioxide emissions. The motivation and contribution of this study lie in helping drivers understand the environmental impacts of their actions, leading to behavior change, alternative transportation, technology adoption, and policy advocacy. Promoting eco-friendly vehicles such as electric and hybrid cars enable drivers to reduce CO2 emissions, combat climate change, and preserve the ecosystem for future generations. By educating drivers about their behavior and CO2 emissions, they can make informed choices and contribute to a sustainable future.
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In-Text Citation: (Husain et al., 2023)
To Cite this Article: Husain, R., Wahab, N. A., & Husain, R. (2023). The Relationship of Drivers’ Understanding on CO2 Emission Effects on the Environment that Reflect their Behavior. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 13(8), 410– 428.
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