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International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences

Open Access Journal

ISSN: 2222-6990

Identifying Language Learning Strategies Used by Mixed-Ability Year 6 Pupils in Enhancing Speaking Skills

Muhammad Farid Akmal Adam, Nadzirah Abdul Rashid, Nur Madihah Aqish Muhammad Fadzli, Syifa Nazahiyah Ismail, Harwati Hashim

Open access

English is a language that is easy to converse with, as the entire globe has shown. Despite the other language skills, speaking is viewed as the most crucial because it occurs frequently in both formal and informal settings. Poor language speaking skills and a lack of attention to speaking skills in language learning sessions or assessments are just two of the downsides that make it difficult for learners to develop speaking abilities. The purpose of this study is to identify the language learning techniques utilized by Year 6 pupils to develop their speaking skills. For this study, 40 Year 6 primary pupils from four suburban Selangor and Johor primary schools participated in this quantitative research methodology. The findings revealed that social strategy is the most preferred strategy by Year 6 learners in general. High achievers preferred compensation strategies, moderate achievers preferred metacognition strategies, and low achievers preferred social strategies when their abilities were compared. The variety of strategies chosen occurs has not been discovered which makes future studies may focus on these aspects. The data gained from this study helps pupils and English language teachers alike. While pupils who are aware of the language learning strategies have better self-regulation, the teacher can assist pupils in improving their speaking abilities and create lessons specific to the student's preferred learning methods.

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In-Text Citation: (Adam et al., 2023)
To Cite this Article: Adam, M. F. A., Rashid, N. A., Fadzli, N. M. A. M., Ismail, S. N., & Hashim, H. (2023). Identifying Language Learning Strategies Used by Mixed-Ability Year 6 Pupils in Enhancing Speaking Skills. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 13(7), 649 – 664.