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International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences

Open Access Journal

ISSN: 2222-6990

The Methods of Poverty Determination Practiced by Zakat Institution in Malaysia

Azri Bhari, Mohammad Mahyuddin Khalid, Mohd Ashrof Zaki Yaakob, Mohd Faiz Mohamed Yusof, Nurfitriyah Salihah binti Shaharin, Nurul ‘Ain binti Mohd, Norazlina binti Mamat, Nurulaina binti Saidin, Mohd Yusra Abdullah, Annurizal Anuar

Open access

The eradication of poverty is a national development objective designed to alleviate economic imbalances. Inaccuracies in defining the most effective strategies for eradicating poverty will lead to the development of unsuccessful policies and programmes. In Malaysia, zakat institutions contribute to the endeavour by distributing zakat funds to the poor and needy. Consequently, the purpose of this study is to investigate the ways of measuring poverty utilised by zakat institutions in Malaysia. This qualitative study was conducted using methodologies for data gathering and analysis. The methods of data collection were discovered through library study. The gathered data were evaluated using inductive, deductive, and comparative methodologies in order to provide results. According to the findings of this study, the measurement of poverty may be split into two categories: the way of measurement according to Islam based on the boundaries of kifayah, and conventional measurement, which includes the unidimensional and multidimensional methods. The measuring approach based on the had kifayah is viewed as more sophisticated in terms of an individual's basic needs and is supplementary to the measurement method based on the PGK. Nonetheless, the determination and measurement of poverty based on multidimensional approaches must also be given consideration and viewed simultaneously, as they are closely related and can improve the precision of poverty assessment.

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In-Text Citation: (Bhari et al., 2023)
To Cite this Article: Bhari, A., Khalid, M. M., Yaakob, M. A. Z., Yusof, M. F. M., Shaharin, N. S. binti, Mohd, N. ‘Ain binti, Mamat, N. binti, Saidin, N. binti, Abdullah, M. Y., & Anuar, A. (2023). The Methods of Poverty Determination Practiced by Zakat Institution in Malaysia. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 13(7), 732 – 740.