ISSN: 2222-6990
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The change in the level of price ceiling for chicken and chicken eggs, plus the removal of subsidy for cooking oil in bottles tentatively on 1st July 2022 and the incident of global food crisis is expected to increase the cost of living in the nation. The Buy Muslim First (BMF) campaign that is intended to provide positive economic impacts on the Muslim’s economy by providing high-quality halal, clean, and tayyib goods need to compete with the available range of consumers product. Entrance to the market itself has led to the high level of products and further impact of subsidy and ceiling price removal for sure affects the BMF products. This study intends to seek at the factors that led to higher level of pricing for BMF goods and to study the customers preference on choice of goods, indirectly proposing ways to increase the awareness to consume BMF goods. This study will impose both qualitative and quantitative study through interviews and distributing questionnaires to 100 random consumers who live within Selangor. Using the Likert scale tools, the data is then analysed using the demographic and descriptive statistics. The study finds out that the cost of competitive market entrance, the size of production, capitals and image brands affect the pricing for BMF goods. Consumer preferences on choice of goods is highly determined by the level of income and price of the BMF goods. To increase the demand for BMF goods there is a need for supply chain management to recognize loyal customers as BMF goods have their own market segmentation; and BMF products owners need to benefit from the usage of electronic commerce and so to make extra investment in marketing for the products itself to reach the consumers.
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In-Text Citation: (Zainal et al., 2023)
To Cite this Article: Zainal, N. H., Ali, A. S. M., Mansor, S. K. M., & Rahim, S. I. A. (2023). Pricing and Consumers Preference toward The Buy Muslim First (BMF) Products. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 13(7), 819 – 828.
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