ISSN: 2222-6990
Open access
This study aims to analyse the relationship between the instructional leadership of the head teacher and the involvement of Orang Asli parents in Muallim and Batang Padang Perak districts. The study used a quantitative approach and designed a survey enrolled based on a questionnaire. It involves 40 elementary school teachers who have enrolled students from the Orang Asli community in these two districts. The selection of schools and respondents is made using simple, stratified, and systematic sampling. The data was levelled using descriptive tests. The findings showed that the involvement of Orang Asli’s parents was at a moderate level, with an average mean value of 3.03 based on six dimensions measured across aspects of parenting, communication, volunteering, home learning, decision-making, and collaboration with the community. In conclusion, more proactive efforts should be shown by administrators to ensure that there are no gaps in equalising the acceptance and achievement of students from this minority group.
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In-Text Citation: (Hashim, 2023)
To Cite this Article: Hashim, S. N. M. (2023). The Instructional Leadership of The Headmaster and its Relationship with The Involvement of Orang Asli Parents: Case Studies in Perak. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 13(7), 1096 – 1111.
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