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International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences

Open Access Journal

ISSN: 2222-6990

Exploring Motivation and Demotivation Factors for Learning Communication Skills

Rasyiqah Batrisya Md Zolkapli, Sri Fitriaty Mohd Kenali, Nurul Farhanah Abdul Hadi, Mohd Kenali Basiron, Muhammad Iqbal, Mohd Naqib Lutfi Abdul Latif, Noor Hanim Rahmat

Open access

Motivation is an essential factor for achieving success in learning English as a second language. Several studies have reported that learners' experiences during communication skills classes can significantly impact their motivation to enhance their English language proficiency. Learners’ motivation ignites their enthusiasm and determination to learn, leading them to strive for a more comprehensive understanding of the English language. However, attaining their desired learning goals becomes increasingly difficult if learners lack the drive and eagerness to improve their language proficiency. Hence, this study investigates the motivation and demotivation factors related to learning English communication skills. A quantitative approach is done to explore motivation factors for learning communication skills among pre-university students. The instrument used is a survey, rooted from Pintrich and De Groot (1990) for motivation and Campos et al (2011) for causes of burnout. A purposive sample of 271 UiTM Centre of Foundation Studies students responded to the survey. The findings of this study suggest that the role of emotional intelligence is important in managing stress and burnout, as channelling positive emotions and feelings while learning could reduce emotional exhaustion and increase one’s motivation. Thus, exploring the relationship between motivation and demotivation factors in learning has significant implications for educational institutions and instructors to implement a supportive learning environment that promotes positive emotions, engagement, and effective communication.

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In-Text Citation: (Zolkapli et al., 2023)
To Cite this Article: Zolkapli, R. B. M., Kenali, S. F. M., Hadi, N. F. A., Basiron, M. K., Iqbal, M., Latif, M. N. L. A., & Rahmat, N. H. (2023). Exploring Motivation and Demotivation Factors for Learning Communication Skills. International Journal of Academic Research in Business & Social Sciences, 13(7), 1501 – 1520.