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International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences

Open Access Journal

ISSN: 2222-6990

Father’s Presence and Involvement in Child Development: A Survey to Develop A Fatherhood Module

Siti Nubailah Mohd Yusof, Haslee Sharil Lim Abdullah, Abdul Rashid Abdul Aziz

Open access

The father's presence and involvement in a child’s development are as important as the mother's role in nurturing the child. A positive father involvement is essential to healthy social, emotional, and academic development at all stages of a child’s development. However, in Malaysia, data on fathers’ impact on children’s psychosocial development are limited. Therefore, this study aimed to obtain views from children and parents on the need to develop a fatherhood module. The data were collected through a survey using a set of questionnaires comprising the Father Presence Questionnaire (FPQ), Inventory of Father Involvement (IFI), and needs analysis questions to parents. A total of 483 children and 60 parents participated in the study. For the father’s presence, the children’s response has the highest mean (42.96) on the father’s relationship with his father scale, and for father involvement, the highest mean is in the dimension of giving attention (25.01). Ninety five percent (95 %) of the parents who responded to the needs analysis questions stated that a father should take a specific course on fathering. The topics that should be covered include communication, the role and responsibilities of the father, fathering skills, child development, and the knowledge and skills of new fathers. The results of the study suggest the need to develop the fatherhood module, which can help fathers to enhance their understanding, knowledge, and skills to be effective fathers in the development of children.

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In-Text Citation: (Yusof et al., 2023)
To Cite this Article: Yusof, S. N. M., Abdullah, H. S. L., & Aziz, A. R. A. (2023). Father’s Presence and Involvement in Child Development: A Survey to Develop A Fatherhood Module. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 13(13), 32–42.