ISSN: 2222-6990
Open access
The post-COVID-19 crisis as reported by the Department of Statistics of Malaysia in 2022, has impacted some 1,226,494 Micro Small and Medium Enterprises that suffered losses due to unsustainable funding models, limited financial support, and lack of entrepreneurial intention and motivation to sustain the business. The primary objectives of this paper are to examine the relationship between sustainable funding initiatives and entrepreneurial intention among Fintech startups’ social enterprises. Literature review and analysis explain the phenomenal event that took place and the association between variables of interest. Integrating the Resourced-based View of the Firm (RBT), and Extended Technology Acceptance (ETA) theories, the paper highlights evidence associating the relationship of the variables from the literature. It was found that research among Malaysian startup social enterprises was limited. A comprehensive model accommodating multiple disciplines such as enterprise management, sustainable entrepreneurship, and Islamic Fintech proposes a contribution to the RBT and ETA theories. As to the practical sides, startups, policymakers, and other authorities related to the context of social enterprise sectors greatly can use the model; while impacting a solution for social values by creating a game changer for digital transformation that eases the social enterprise's access to swifter socio-economic well-being and financial health solutions.
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In-Text Citation: (Kasim et al., 2023)
To Cite this Article: Kasim, R. S. R., Azman, W. F. A. C., & Husain, M. F. M. (2023). The Relationship of Entrepreneurial Intention, Sustainable Funding Initiatives, and Sustainable Entrepreneurship among Startup Social Enterprises: Post-Covid-19 Crisis in Malaysia. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 13(13), 43–54.
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